RATP CAP ÎLE-DE-FRANCE, on track with its first results
The creation of RATP CAP Île-de-France aims to provide a competitive response to the opening up to competition of RATP Group’s historic Île-de-France long-standing network. The subsidiary will become the Group’s vehicle for responding to urban and suburban transport tenders, notably on the bus network currently operated by RATP, for which the monopoly will end in 2024.
It already achieved major successes in 2021 with the contract to operate the Plateau de Saclay bus network, to accompany the growth of mobility needs in this very dynamic area, and the public service concession for the Mantois network, including bus, demand‑responsive transport and bicycle parking. The subsidiary has also been entrusted with the operation of tram line T10, the second line to be put out to tender in the Île‑de‑France region, and the surrounding bus routes for the next eight years.
The challenge? To strengthen the transport offer in southern Hauts-de-Seine, to support urban development, but also to reduce the environmental impact of this line which is set to carry 9 million passengers a year. Finally, for 2022 and beyond, RATP CAP Île‑de‑France is preparing to win new bus and rail contracts in a key region for the Group.