2021 – Activity and sustainable development report

Transformation of professions


Innovation also supports the performance of the technical and industrial teams and changes professions at their core. To provide relief to operators who have to adopt awkward working postures, the Sucy‑en‑Brie workshop is testing the use of exoskeletons, in conjunction with the occupational health department. At Saint‑Fargeau, AGV logistics trucks make it easier to transport loads, while at the Saint‑Ouen maintenance workshops for metro line 14, AGVs follow the maintenance workers as they move around. Meanwhile, the Group’s Digital Factory is working on new predictive maintenance projects to detect potential breakdowns in advance. Many functions on RER trains are now monitored remotely, and this approach will be extended to metro lines.



Why is the Group’s technical and industrial performance such a key issue today?

Under the new contract with Île-de-France Mobilités, we are entering a phase of extraordinary investment. Line extensions and the arrival of new rolling stock require upgrades to driving and infrastructure systems. In addition, we have a programme to upgrade customer facilities and services. Succeeding with these major projects requires a truly industrial vision, driving performance on a large scale.

What does this mean in practice?

Carrying out such a massive transformation on the network at the service of passengers implies industrialising our activities, in project management as well as in maintenance, adopting standards appropriate to our activities, to reproduce processes that work well and improve efficiency.

What are your priorities as head of the new “technical and industrial” division?

The Group is recognised for its technical excellence and project management. With many projects and dwindling public resources, my priority is to keep our commitments to our funders. My ambition is also to promote an entire sector. The expertise of our 2,000 engineers should become a world‑class showcase.